Windfarm’s Landscape Visual Impacts are a planning consideration

  • Sequential views from local footpaths and other viewpoints, both in and out of Calderdale, such as Stoodley Pike, Top Withens, Bronte Parsonage Museum, and Haworth, and other areas as set out in the consultee responses to the developers’ Scoping Report, including the Yorkshire Three Peaks of Pen y Ghent, Ingleborough and Whernside.
  • Conservation Areas and trig points that “provide fine views across Calderdale’s natural and historic environment.”
  • An assessment of whether the proposal’s visual impacts would have a significant impact on or harm the statutory purposes of the nearby Yorkshire Dales National Park: to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the park; and to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the park by the public.
  • An assessment of whether the proposal’s visual impacts would have a significant Impact on or harm the statutory purpose of Forest of Bowland and Nidderdale Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (now known as National Landscapes): to conserve and enhance the area’s natural beauty.
  • An assessment of the proposal’s visual impacts on the openness of the defined Area Around Todmorden, which is noted for its character and openness.
  • Its impacts on the openness (both in terms of its visual and spatial impacts) of the Green Belt (which the site is part of).

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